Ah, the good olde days of the LFC... LatinoFanClub vids. Always that the top was one sexy fuck. Love it when a 'native Spanish speaking' guy has hit his stride tapping my ass and starts "hablando en Español". I know enough to respond in kind.
His name is Viper. He is no longer with us but he has a lot of videos with Latino Fan Club (LFC), Blatino Connection (BC Productions) and Chocolate Cream (CC). Search his name along with those and you’ll find many of his videos.
I really want to know who that guy with the very nice, big dick is. I saw him in one other video, where a pool boy comes around and starts sucking his dick in a small pool outside. I want his dick so bad!
or much more ?
Beating it out of you sure was not going to work.